Variable Universal Life Insurance

Life Insurance Retirement Plan, under Internal Revenue Code Section 7702

Funded with: Variable Universal Life Insurance

Policy Highlights

  • Flexible Premiums
  • Adjustable Death Benefits
  • Guaranteed Minimum Interest (fixed account ONLY)
  • Guaranteed Maximum Charges
  • Current Interest - set by the insurance company, either a portfolio yield or new money rate, market sensitive, can be increased or decreased by the insurance company as often as monthly (fixed account ONLY).
  • Separate Account Cash Value Gains & Losses in variable sub-accounts - stock, bond, real estate, and commodity market sensitive. Potentially higher returns than current fixed yields, with absolutely no downside protection of any kind (returns can be negative).*
  • Current Charges - costs of insurance and administrative charges may be lower than the guaranteed maximum in the policy, subject to change by the insurance company, and will vary based on the company’s mortality experience and expenses.

For a FREE initial consultation, contact us today!

*Variable Life and Variable Universal Life (VUL) are registered securities. As with any investment, you should consult with your tax adviser relative to your particular federal and state tax situation (the caveat is that you should consult with a tax adviser that is NOT a registered representative of a Broker/Dealer, in order to avoid a conflict of interest). This web site, it’s owners, agents, and associates, do not give legal, tax or accounting advice. Products may not be available in all states.

Securities products like VUL involve substantial investment risk, which is significantly higher that one can imagine when the securities are subject to reverse dollar-cost-averaging during late duration (older ages) where substantial costs of insurance charges are possible, if not highly likely, due to market volatility.

Principal value and investment return will fluctuate, so that an investor’s units, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original amount. Cost of insurance charges, and other insurance policy charges, multiply the effect of securities volatility, making variable life insurance risk rise over time, especially at older ages.

The Prospectus for the variable product contains more complete information including all insurance fees and charges, but no prospectus is an insurance policy, and only an issued and bound life insurance policy should be reviewed before making your final investment decision, because medical underwriting is not an exact science, nor is it subject to review or authority by any person working for FINRA, the SEC, or any Broker/Dealer. The Prospectuses for each investment option offered with the variable products also includes more complete information on these investment companies, and an investor should read each and every page before investing. All investors are advised to consider the investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses of the investment companies carefully before investing, as well as the risk that their advisor or broker may be financially penalized for doing everything exactly right. The prospectus contains this and other information about the investment company(ies). You should read the prospectuses carefully before investing. An investor should also learn as much about FINRA as they can before risking your premium dollars, as FINRA has made non-factual public proclamations, as well as unreasonable statements of opinion that cannot be supported by verifiable facts, about traditional (non-registered) insurance products. These fallacious claims by FINRA do not pass the smell test of a reasonable person, and therefore make everything else FINRA claims about traditional insurance products suspect, requiring substantial review by non-registered persons who are qualified experts on the subject of life insurance, but who are not subject to any retaliatory action by FINRA or any Broker/Dealer for their exercise of natural and unalienable rights to Freedom of Speech, guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Registered products are available through Registered Representatives and distributed through registered Broker/Dealers, who are members of FINRA, A PRIVATE COMPANY that holds itself out as if it were a government agency (a material non-factual claim). Despite what FINRA claims, their statements should be reviewed by any investor to determine whether or not each statement is factual or non-factual before accepting what FINRA claims as the gospel.

Caveat emptor applies. Under no circumstance can this website be construed as a solicitation for a registered security of any kind, in any jurisdiction. Articles and opinions are for information purposes only.

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